Saturday, 24 March 2012

Gradaute Level Examination-2012 Tier-I by SSC

CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003

Combined Graduate Level (Tier-I) Examination-2012

Staff Selection Commission will hold on 01/07/2012 and 08/04/2012, an open competitive examination for recruitment to the following posts in various Ministries/Departments by selecting/ screening the candidates for the Main Examination. The Combined Graduate Level (Tier-II) Examination-2012 is likely to be held on 15/09/2012 and 16/09/2012 :
  1. Inspectors of Income Tax / Inspector (Central Excise) / Inspector (Preventive Officer) / Inspector (Examiner) in Custom Houses (Group B Non-Gazetted) in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4600/-
  2. Assistants (CSS) in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4600/- for Central Govt. Ministries/ Departments
  3. Assistants in other Central Government Ministries/ Departments/ CVC etc. other than CSS cadre in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
  4. Inspector of Posts (Group B Non-Gazetted) in pay scales of Rs. Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
  5. Sub-Inspectors in CBI in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
  6. Assistant Enforcement Officers in Directorate of Enforcement in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4600/-
  7. Divisional Accountants in CAG Offices  in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
  8. Statistical Investigators Gr.II in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
  9. Auditors/ Junior Accountants / Accountants/  in various CAG Offices in the pay scale of Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2800
  10. Compilers in the office of RGI the pay scale of Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2400
  11. UDCs (Upper Division Clerk) in various Central Government Offices/ Departments in the pay scale Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2400
  12. Tax Assistants in various CBDT/ CBEC in the pay scale Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2400 
  13. Compiler in Registrar General of India in the pay scale Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2400 

Age Limit: (i) 18-27 years as on  for Inspector of Income Tax/ Inspector (Central Excise)/ Inspector (Preventive Officer)/ Inspector (Examiner)/ Inspector of Posts / Ass.. Enforcement Officer and Divisional Accountants / Auditors /UDCs/ Tax Assistants (ii) 20 to 27 years as on  for posts of Assistants and Sub-inspectors in CBI. (iii) 26 years for Statistical Investigators Gr.II. Usual age relaxation to SC/ST/OBC/PH/ExS etc. as per Govt. orders.)

Educational Qualification: Graduation in any discipline from any recognised University. (ii) Statistics/ Mathematics / Economics / Commerce subjects in Graduation for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr.II

Fee: Rs. 100/-. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women and Ex-Serviceman. Fee will be paid only in the form of "Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS)" These stamps are available at the counter of all Departmental Post Offices of the country. For the candidates who are applying online, should pay in the branches of SBI through payment challans which can be  printed online.

Closing Date: Last date for filling of the offline application is 20/04/2011 (5PM), last date is 27/04/2012 for candidates from far-flung areas. 

How to Apply : Either apply Offline through prescribed application format or   Apply Online from at SSC website (Pay fee st SBI in this case) at or at from 24/03/2012 to 17/04/2012 for Part-I registration and up to 20/04/2012 for Part-II Registration. (SSC online website works with Internet Explorer Browser only ?)

For further details and application format, view  and application format for Offline application is available at,2012.pdf

Monday, 12 March 2012

Lab Manual for Manufacturing Technology II Mdu Rohtak

Experiment 1
Aim:  To study of Orthogonal & Oblique Cutting on a Lathe.
Apparatus:  Lathe Machine
It is appears from the diagram in the following figure that while turning ductile material by a sharp tool, the continuous chip would flow over the tool’s rake surface and in the direction apparently perpendicular to the principal cutting edge, i.e., along orthogonal plane which is normal to the cutting plane containing the principal cutting edge. But practically, the chip may not flow along the orthogonal plane for several factors like presence of inclination angle, λ, etc.
The role of inclination angle, λ on the direction of chip flow is schematically shown in figure which visualizes that,

• when λ=0, the chip flows along orthogonal plane, i.e, ρc = 0

• when λ≠0, the chip flow is deviated from πo and ρc = λ where ρc is chip flow deviation (from πo) angle 
Orthogonal cutting: when chip flows along orthogonal plane, πo, i.e., ρc = 0
Oblique cutting : when chip flow deviates from orthogonal plane, i.e. ρc≠0
But practically ρc may be zero even if λ= 0 and ρc may not be exactly equal to λ even if λ≠0. Because there are some other (than λ) factors also which may cause chip flow deviation.

Result: Hence the study of Orthogonal & Oblique Cutting on a Lathe is completed.

Experiment 2
Aim: To calculate the machining time for cylindrical turning on a Lathe and compare with the actual machining time.
Apparatus: Lathe Machine
The major aim and objectives in machining industries generally are;
• reduction of total manufacturing time, T
• increase in MRR, i.e., productivity
• reduction in machining cost without sacrificing product quality
• increase in profit or profit rate, i.e., profitability.
Hence, it becomes extremely necessary to determine the actual machining time, TC required to produce a job mainly for,
• assessment of productivity
• evaluation of machining cost
• measurement of labour cost component
• assessment of relative performance or capability of any machine tool, cutting tool, cutting fluid or  any special or new techniques in terms of saving in machining time.

The machining time, TC required for a particular operation can be determined
ο roughly by calculation i.e., estimation
ο precisely, if required, by measurement.

Measurement definitely gives more accurate result and in detail but is tedious and expensive. Whereas, estimation by simple calculations, though may not be that accurate, is simple, quick and inexpensive.
Hence, determination of machining time, specially by simple calculations using suitable equations is essentially done regularly for various purposes.

The factors that govern machining time will be understood from a simple case of machining. A steel rod has to be reduced in diameter from D1 to D2 over a length L by straight turning in a centre lathe as indicated in Fig.

Sl No

L= length of the work piece in mm;
A= approach run in mm;
O= over run in mm;
Lc=actual length of cut in mm;
Vc= cutting velocity in mm/min;
D= diameter of the job before cut in mm;
N=spindle speed in rpm;
So= tool feed in mm/rev;
D1= initial diameter before passes in mm;
D2=final diameter after passes in mm;
t=depth of cut in one pass in mm;
np=no of passes;
Tc=machining time in min;
Result:  The machining time of the turning operation is done and compared.

Experiment 3
Aim: To study the Too Life while Milling a component on the Milling Machine.
Apparatus: Milling Machine
Tool life: Time of cutting during two successive milling or indexing of the tool. Tool life is the length of cutting time that a tool can be used or a certain flank wear value has occurred (0.02”).
Taylor’s tool life equation:
      v Tn = C    
v = cutting speed
n = cutting exponent
C = cutting constant
T = tool life
n and C depend on speed, work material, tool material, etc.

Cutting Speed can be obtained by the formula as shown:
N= (v*1000) / (π*d)
Where :
N=spindle speed in rpm;
v=cutting speed in m/min;
d=diameter of cutter in mm;

1. Determine the cutting speed by using given d and N values.
2. Apply Taylor’s equation and the n and C values, we can solve for tool life.

Sl No

Result: Thus the tool life of milling cutter is found out.

Experiment 4
Aim: To study Tool wear of a cutting tool while Drilling on a Drilling Machine.
Apparatus: Drilling Machine
Tool wears are classified as shown below

Result: Study of the tool wear of cutting tool on drilling machine is completed.

Experiment 5
Aim: To study the Speed, Feed, Tool, Preparatory (Geometric) and miscellaneous functions for NC part programming
Apparatus: NC Machine
Part program: A computer program to specify
    - Which tool should be loaded on the machine spindle;
    - What are the cutting conditions (speed, feed, coolant ON/OFF etc)
    - The start point and end point of a motion segment
    - how to move the tool with respect to the machine.
Standard Part programming language: RS 274-D (Gerber, GN-code)
Controlling a CNC machine: RS 274
Part Programming Example

Tool size = 0.25 inch,
Feed rate = 6 inch per minute,
Cutting speed = 300 rpm,
Tool start position: 2.0, 2.0
Programming in inches
Motion of tool:
p0 à p1 à p2 à p3 à p4 à p5 à p1 à p0

1. Set up the programming parameters

2. Set up the machining conditions
3. Move tool from p0 to p1 in straight line
 4. Cut profile from p1 to p2
5. Cut profile from p2 to p3
6. Cut along circle from p3 to p4
7. Cut from p4 to p5
8. Cut from p5 to p1
9. Return to home position, stop program
10. Complete RS-274 program
N010 G70 G90 G94 G97 M04
N020 G17 G75 F6.0 S300 T1001 M08
N030 G01 X3.875 Y3.698
N040 G01 X3.875 Y9.125
N050 G01 X5.634 Y9.125
N060 G03 X7.366 Y9.125 I0.866 J-0.125
N070 G01 X9.302
N080 G01 X3.875 Y3.698
N090 G01 X2.0 Y2.0 M30
Result: Hence the study of NC part programming is completed.

Experiment 6
Aim: To study the part programming on a NC Lathe: Step Turning, Taper Turning, Drilling
Apparatus: NC Lathe Machine
Example for step turning.
Example for taper turning.
Experiment 8
Aim: To study the part programming on a NC Milling Machine for a Rectangular Slot.
Apparatus: NC Milling Machine

Lab Manual for Fluid Mechanics Mdu Rohtak

ME-216-F                               FLUID MECHANICS LAB
L T P                                                                                       Sessional         : 25 Marks
- - 2                                                                                          Practical/Viva  : 25 Marks
                                                                                                Total               : 50 Marks
                                                                                                Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.

List of Experiments:

1. To determine the coefficient of impact for vanes.

2. To determine coefficient of discharge of an orifice meter.

3. To determine the coefficient of discharge of Notch (V and Rectangular types ).

4. To determine the friction factor for the pipes.

5. To determine the coefficient of discharge of venturimeter.

6. To determine the coefficient of discharge, contraction & velocity of an orifice.

7. To verify the Bernoulli’s Theorem.

8. To find critical Reynolds number for a pipe flow.

9. To determine the meta-centric height of a floating body.

10. To determine the minor losses due to sudden enlargement, sudden contraction and bends.

11. To show the velocity and pressure variation with radius in a forced vertex flow.

12. To verify the momentum equation.

1. At least ten experiments are to be performed in the semester.
2. At least eight experiments should be performed from the above list. Remaining two experiments may either be performed from the above list or designed & set by the concerned institute as per the scope of the syllabus.

Aim: To determine the co efficient of impact for vanes

Apparatus: Collecting tank, Nozzle of given diameter, Vanes of different shape (flat, inclined or curved).

Theory: Momentum equation is based on Newton’s second law of motion which states that the algebraic sum of external forces applied to control volume of fluid in any direction is equal to the rate of change of momentum in that direction. The external forces include the component of the weight of the fluid & of the forces exerted externally upon the boundary surface of the control volume. If a vertical water jet moving with velocity is made to strike a target, which is free to move in the vertical direction then a force will be exerted on the target by the impact of jet, according to momentum equation this force (which is also equal to the force required to bring back the target in its original position) must be equal to the rate of change of momentum of the jet flow in that direction.

Formula Used:
F=ρ Q v(1-cosβ)
F=ρ Q2  (1-cosβ)/A   as v=Q/A

F =force (calculated)
ρ = density of water
β=angle of vane
V =velocity of jet
Q =discharge
A =area of nozzle( π/4d2)

(i)  for flat vane β=90o
                                                F’ = ρQ2/A

(ii) for hemispherical vane β=180o
                                                for % error =F- F'/ F'x100
                                                F’ = 2 ρQ2/A
                                                F = Force (due to putting of weight)

(iii) for inclined vane
                                                F'=ρ Q v(1-cosβ)
                                                F'=ρ Q2  (1-cosβ)/A

1.  Note down the relevant dimension or area of collecting tank, dia of  nozzle, and density of water.
2.  Install any type of vane i.e. flat, inclined or curved.
3.  Note down the position of upper disk, when jet is not running.
4.  Note down the reading of height of water in the collecting tank.
5.  As the jet strike the vane, position of upper disk is changed, note the reading in the scale to which vane is raised.
6.  Put the weight of various values one by one to bring the vane to its initial position.
7.  At this position finds out the discharge also.
8.  The procedure is repeated for each value of flow rate by reducing the water supply.
9. This procedure can be repeated for different type of vanes and nozzle.

Observations & Calculations:
Dia of nozzle   =
Mass density of water ρ =
Area of collecting tank  =
Area of nozzle =

Horizontal flat vane

When jet is not running, position of upper disk is at =

Discharge measurement
Force F'=
Error in %
= F-F'/F'
(cm3/sec) Q
W (gm)

Inclined vane

When jet is not running, position of upper disk is at =

Angle of inclination β = 450

Discharge measurement
Force F'= ρQ2(1-cosβ)/A (dyne)
Error in %
= F-F'/F'
(cm3/sec) Q
W (gm)


Curved hemispherical vane

When jet is not running, position of upper disk is at =

Discharge measurement
Force F'=

Error in %
= F-F'/F'
(cm3/sec) Q
W (gm)

Conclusion: Hence the co efficient of impact for vanes is determined.

Aim: To determine the coefficient of discharge of Orifice meter.

Apparatus: Orifice meter, installed on different pipes, arrangement of varying flow rate, U- tube manometer, collecting tank.

Theory: Orifice meter are depending on Bernoulli’s equation. Orifice meter is a device used for measuring the rate of fluid flowing through a pipe.

Formula Used:

A =   Cross section area of inlet
a  =    Cross section area of outlet
Δh =  Head difference in manometer
Q =    Discharge
Cd = Coefficient of discharge
g =     Acceleration due to gravity
Coefficient of discharge of orifice meter will be less than 1, but smaller than Cd value of venturimeter.
1.  Set the manometer pressure to the atmospheric pressure by opening the upper valve.
2.  Now start the supply at water controlled by the stop valve.
3.  One of the valves of any one of the pipe open and close all other of three.
4.  Take the discharge reading for the particular flow.
5.  Take the reading for the pressure head on from the u-tube manometer for corresponding reading of discharge.
6.  Now take three readings for this pipe and calculate the Cd  for that instrument using formula.
7.  Now close the valve and open valve of other diameter pipe and take the three reading for this.
8.  Similarly take the reading for all other diameter pipe and calculate Cd  for each.

Observations & Calculations:
Diameter of Orifice meter =
Area of cross section   =
Area of collecting tank =

Manometer Reading

Q A2  - a2

Initial reading

Final reading








Conclusion: Hence the coefficient of discharge of Orifice meter is __________.

Aim: To determine the coefficient of discharge of Notch (V, Rectangular and Trapezoidal types).

Apparatus: Arrangement for finding the coefficient of discharge inclusive of  supply tank, collecting tank, pointer, scale  & different type of notches

Theory: Notches are overflow structure where length of crest along the flow of water is accurately shaped to calculate discharge.

1.  The notch under test is positioned at the end of tank with vertical sharp edge on the upstream side.
2.  Open the inlet valve and fill water until the crest of notch.
3.  Note down the height of crest level by pointer gauge.
4.  Change the inlet supply and note the height of this level in the tank.
5.  Note the volume of water collected in collecting tank for a particular time and find out the discharge.
6.  Height and discharge readings for different flow rate are noted.
Observations & Calculations:
Breath of tank =
Length of tank =
Height of water to crest level for rectangular notch is =
Height of water to crest level for V notch =
Height of water to crest level for Trapezoidal notch =
Angle of V notch =
Width of Rectangular notch =

Type Of notch

Final height reading above width

Head above crest level


Initial height
Of  tank

Final height
Of  tank

In height



The coefficient of discharge of V Notch is ______________.
The coefficient of discharge of Rectangular Notch is ______________.
The coefficient of discharge of Trapezoidal Notch is ______________.

Aim: To determine the friction factor for the pipes.(Major Losses).

Apparatus: A flow circuit of G. I. pipes of different diameters, U-tube differential manometer, collecting tank.

Friction factor in pipes or Major losses:-
A pipe is a closed conduit through which fluid flows under the pressure. When in the pipe, fluid flows, some of potential energy is lost to overcome hydraulic resistance which is classified as follows:
1.      The viscous friction effect associated with fluid flow.
2.      The local resistance which result from flow disturbances caused by
a.       Sudden expansion and contraction in pipe
b.      Obstruction in the form of valves, elbows and other pipe fittings.
c.       Curves and bend in the pipe.
d.      Entrance and exit losses
The viscous friction loss or major loss in head potential energy due to friction is given by

1.  Note down the relevant dimensions as diameter and length of pipe between the pressure tapping, area of collecting tank etc.
2.  Pressure tapping of a pipe is kept open while for other pipe is closed.
3.  The flow rate was adjusted to its maximum value.  By maintaining suitable amount of steady flow in the pipe.
4.  The discharge flowing in the circuit is recorded together with the water level in the left and right limbs of manometer tube.
5.  The flow rate is reduced in stages by means of flow control valve and the discharge &
reading of manometer are recorded.
6.  This procedure is repeated by closing the pressure tapping of this pipe, together with other pipes and for opening of another pipe.

Observations & Calculations:
Diameter of pipe   d =
Length of pipe between pressure tapping   l =
Area of collecting tank            =

Manometer Reading
Discharge Measurement

2         5                2
F = π  gd / 8l hf

Left limb h (cm)

Right limb
H2      (cm)

Difference of head in terms of water
h =13.6(h1-h2)




Q (cm3/sec)




Conclusion:Hence the friction factor for the pipes is F =_________.

Aim: To determine the coefficient of discharge of  Venturimeter.

Apparatus: Venturimeter, installed on different diameter pipes, arrangement of varying flow rate, U- tube manometer, collecting tube tank.

Theory: Venturimeter  are  depending  on  Bernoulli’s  equation.  Venturimeter  is  a  device  used  for measuring the rate of fluid flowing through a pipe. The consist of three part in short
1.  Converging area part
2.  Throat
3.  Diverging part

1.  Set the manometer pressure to the atmospheric pressure by opening the upper valve.
2.  Now start the supply at water controlled by the stop valve.
3.  One of the valves of any one of the pipe open and close all other of three.
4.  Take the discharge reading for the particular flow.
5.  Take the reading for the pressure head on from the u-tube manometer for corresponding reading of discharge.
6.  Now take three readings for this pipe and calculate the Cd  for that instrument using formula.
7.  Now close the valve and open valve of other diameter pipe and take the three reading for this.
8.  Similarly take the reading for all other diameter pipe and calculate Cd  for each.

Observations & Calculations:
Diameter of Venturimeter =
Area of cross section   =
Area of collecting tank =

Manometer Reading

Q A2  - a2

Initial reading

Final reading








Conclusion: Hence the coefficient of discharge of Venturimeter is __________.


Aim: To determine the coefficient of discharge, contraction & velocity of an Orifice.

Apparatus: Supply tank with overflow arrangement, Orifice plate of different diameter, hook gauge, collecting tank, piezometric tube.

Theory: A mouthpiece is a short length of pipe which is two or three times its diameter in length. If there pipe  is  filled  externally  to  the  orifices,  the  mouthpiece  is  called  external  cylindrical  mouthpiece  and discharge through orifice increase is a small opening of any cross- section on the side of bottom of the tank, through which the fluid is flowing orifice coefficient  of  velocity is defined as the ratio of two actual discharge to orifice ratio of the actual velocity of the jet at vena- contracta to the coefficient of theoretical velocity of the jet coefficient of contraction of defined as ratio of the actual velocity of jet at vena- contracta.
Vena- Contracta: The fluid out is in form of jet goes on contracting form orifice up to dispute of about ½ the orifice dia. after the expend this least relation.
Coefficient of velocity: It is a ratio of actual velocity jet at vena-contracta to theoretical velocity.

1.  Set the mouthpiece of orifice of which the Cc, Cu, Cd  are to be determined.
2.  Note the initial height of water in the steady flow tank and the height of datum from the bottom of orifice and mouthpiece.  These remains constant for  a  particular mouthpiece or orifice.
3.  By using the stop valve, set a particular flow in tank and tank height of water in tank.
4.  Take the reading of discharge on this particular flow.
5.  Using hook gauge, find the volume of Xo Y for mouthpiece.
6.  Take three readings using hook gauge for one particular orifice.
7.  Using the formula get value of Cd, Cu, and Cc for a particular orifice and mouthpiece.

Observations & Calculations:
x' + y' are reading on horizontal/vertical scale
h=µ ao
X= x'-x0
Y= y'-y0

h = Reading on piezometer
a0 = Reading on piezometer at level on centre of mouthpiece
y0 = Reading on vertical scale at exit of orifice
x0 = Reading on horizontal scale at exit of orifice

Q = A*V




Conclusion: Hence Cv=________; Cc=________; Cd=________;

Aim: To verify the Bernoulli’s theorem.
Apparatus: A supply tank of water, a tapered inclined pipe fitted with no. of piezometer tubes point, measuring tank, scale, stop watch.
Theory: Bernoulli’s theorem states that when there is a continues connection between the particle of flowing mass liquid, the total energy of any sector of flow will remain same provided there is no reduction or addition at any point.

Formula Used:
H= Z+ p1/w + V12/2g
H= Z+ p2/w + V22/2g
1.  Open the inlet valve slowly and allow the water to flow from the supply tank.
2.  Now adjust the flow to get a constant head in the supply tank to make flow in and out flow equal.
3.  Under this condition the pressure head will become constant in the piezometer tubes.
4.  Note down the quantity of water collected in the measuring tank for a given interval of time.
5.  Compute the area of cross-section under the piezometer tube.
6.  Compute the area of cross- section under the tube.
7.  Change the inlet and outlet supply and note the reading.
8.  Take at least three readings as described in the above steps.

Observations & Calculations:

Of piezometer Tube from inlet

Area of
Under foot Of each point

Of water
Under foot
Of each point



p/ρ+ V2/2g

Conclusion: Hence Bernoulli’s theorem is verified.


Aim: To find critical Reynolds number for a pipe flow.

Apparatus: Flow condition inlet supply, elliptical belt type arrangement for coloured fluid with regulating valve, collecting tank.

Theory:  It is defined as the ratio of inertia force of a flowing fluid to the viscous force of the fluid.

1.      Fill the supply tank some times before the experiment.
2.      The calculated fluid is filled as container.
3.      Now set the discharge by using the valve of that particular flow can be obtained.
4.      The type of flow of rate is glass tube is made to be known by opening the valve of dye container.
5.      Take the reading of discharge for particular flow.
6.      Using the formula set the Reynolds no. for that particular flow, aspect the above procedure for all remaining flow.

Observations & Calculations:






Aim: To determine the Meta-centric height of a floating body.

Apparatus: Take tank 2/3 full of water,  floating vessel or pontoon fitted with a pointed pointer moving on a graduated scale, with weights adjusted on a horizontal beam.

Theory: Consider a floating body which is partially immersed in the liquid, when such a body is tilted, the center of buoyancy shifts from its original position ‘B’ to ‘B’ (The point of application of buoyanant force or upward force is known as center of G which may be below or above the center of buoyancy remain same and couple acts on the body. Due to this couple the body remains stable.
At rest both the points G and B also Fb x Wc act through the same vertical line but in opposite direction. For small change (θ) B shifted to B.
The point of intersection M of original vertical line through B and G with the new vertical, line passing through ‘B’ is known as metacentre. The distance between G and M is known as metacentre height which is measure of static stability.

1.      Note down the dimensions of the collecting tank, mass density of water.
2.      Note down the water level when pontoon is outside the tank.
3.      Note down the water level when pontoon is inside the tank and their difference.
4.      Fix the strips at equal distance from the center.
5.      Put the weight on one of the hanger which gives the unbalanced mass.
6.      Take the reading of the distance from center and angle made by pointer on arc.
7.      The procedure can be repeated for other positioned and values of unbalanced mass.

Observations & Calculations:
Length of the tank =
Width of the tank =
Area of the tank =
Initial level of the water without pontoon =
Final level of the water without pontoon =
Difference in height of water(X) = X2  –X1   =
Height of water
In tank with
Pontoon (X2) (m)
Difference in
X = X2-X1
Weight of
Wc  = XAρ
Mass,   Wm

G M =


Conclusion: Meta centric height of the pontoon is measured with different positions and weights.


Aim: To determine the minor losses due to sudden enlargement, sudden contraction and bend.

Apparatus: A flow circuit of G. I. pipes of different pipe fittings viz. Large bend, Small bend, Elbow, Sudden enlargement from 25 mm dia to 50 mm dia, Sudden contraction from 50 mm dia to 25 mm dia, U-tube differential manometer, collecting tank.

Minor Losses: The local or minor head losses are caused by certain local features or disturbances .The disturbances may be caused in the size or shape of the pipe. This deformation affects the velocity distribution and may result in eddy formation.

Losses at bends, elbows and other fittings: The flow pattern regarding separation and eddying in region of separations in bends, valves. The resulting head loss due to energy dissipation can be prescribed by the relation h = KV2/2g. Where V is the average flow velocity and the resistance coefficient K depends on parameter defining the geometry of the section and flow.
Resistances of large sizes elbows can be reduced appreciably by splitting the flow into a number of streams by a jet of guide vanes called cascades.

1.  Note down the relevant dimensions as diameter and length of pipe between the pressure tapping, area of collecting tank etc.
2.  Pressure tapping of a pipe a is kept open while for other pipe is closed.
3.  The flow rate was adjusted to its maximum value.  By maintaining suitable amount of steady flow in the pipe.
4.  The discharge flowing in the circuit is recorded together with the water level in the left and right limbs of manometer tube.
5.  The flow rate is reduced in stages by means of flow control valve and the discharge & reading of manometer are recorded.
6.   This procedure is repeated by closing the pressure tapping of this pipe, together with other pipes and for opening of another pipe.

Observations & Calculations:
Diameter of pipe   D    =
Length of pipe between pressure tapping  L  =
Area of collecting tank            =
Types of the fitting      =

Manometer Reading
Discharge Measurement

Loss of coefficient
K =(2g hL )/V

Left limb h  (cm)

Right limb
h 2         (cm)

Difference of head in  terms  of  water hf =13.6(h1-h2)




Discharge Q (cm3/sec)




Conclusion: Hence the minor losses due to sudden enlargement, sudden contraction and bend are determined.